Thursday, November 29, 2012

Natural Biology Emerging Evidence for Vitamins & Health

In the past 100 years vitamins have been found to play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of human beings;  however, the full benefits of many vitamins or micro-nutrients has yet to be discovered.    This is a new and exiting field of science and Natural Biology is committed to be a significant research think tank for the world of natural vitamins including all micro-nutrients and macro-nutrient which include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, Omega 3s, enzymes, probiotics, glyconutrients, phytonutrients, and adaptogens.   While Natural Biology incorporates herbs into our formulations from time to time, herbs overall are just coming into their own and markets are catching up realizing fresh and medical benefits are forthcoming if the process, testing, and research continues.

There are good many of major university studies that validate the link between the consumption of high quality supplements and health, and there are not many areas that do not show great promise.

In recent years Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Resveratrol, Co-Q10, and a number of antioxidants have been backed by solid science and clinical studies - using human beings not just rats in labs.   For example scientist have discovered high doses of Vitamin D could result in reduce menstrual cramping in women who have severe problems.   The challenge is for the medical community to come to grips with these reality and work closely with vitamin experts who understand quality and efficacy.    We are in the early pioneer days of exploring these realities and the promise supplements offer.

Natural Biology remains committed to provide high quality solutions to supplements at family prices - and education on top of these effective protocols.   Make sure and visit our main website and sign up for TRANSCEND - our Newsletter about Mind/Body/Soul and the world of Natural Vitamins.

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